The Lesser-Known Effects of Side Sleeping People Aren’t Aware About

Reduced Snoring

Snoring can be a real problem, not just for the person who snores but for their partner as well. And while there are many anti-snoring devices and remedies available, did you know that side sleeping can actually help reduce snoring? When you sleep on your back, gravity can cause your tongue and soft palate to collapse to the back of your throat, blocking your airway and causing snoring. By sleeping on your side, however, you can keep your airway open and reduce the likelihood of snoring.

Better Heart Health

Sleeping on your side can also have a positive impact on your heart health. When you sleep on your back, gravity can cause your internal organs to compress your vena cava, the large vein that carries blood from your lower body to your heart. This compression can make it harder for your heart to pump blood, raising your blood pressure and increasing your risk of heart disease. By sleeping on your side, however, you can reduce this compression and keep your heart healthy.

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